Friday, May 3, 2013


1. Overview
Indian agriculture saw growth in all its dimensions
during the year 2011-12 with a record production of
foodgrains, fruits, vegetables, milk, meat, eggs and fish.
The agriculture and allied sectors achieved a compound
growth rate of 3.3% during the XI Five Year Plan which
is higher than the 2.4 per cent registered in the X Five
Year Plan. The year 2012 saw intense activity for the
Indian National Agricultural Research and Education
System (NARES), in terms of completion and
consolidation of programmes of the XI Five Year Plan,
introspection of the path we travelled and interactions
for the way ahead. The year that went by posed
challenges, with an erratic monsoon, drought-like
situation in some parts of the country as also cyclones
impacting agriculture. The technological backstopping
by the ICAR institutes helped the farmers in their efforts
to overcome the impact of these natural calamities.
Some of the salient research achievements and new
initiatives of DARE/ICAR during the year are as
The ICAR has commenced establishment of Indian
Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Ranchi and
National Biotic Stress Management Institute, Raipur.
The proposal for establishment of a Central Agricultural
University for Bundelkhand Region was initiated. Five
new Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs), one each in the
states of Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Rajasthan, Karnataka
and Maharashtra, were established.
Soil and water productivity
To account for and bring out the variability of land,
soil and hydrology agro-ecological subunits in Kerala
were delineated within an agro-ecological unit. The
maps and reports highlight the potentials and problems
of agro-eco unit of each district, that can be used as a
base for planning agriculture and allied sectors in the
An innovative model of groundwater sharing aimed
at enhancing water productivity in the Ranga Reddy
district of Andhra Pradesh was evolved. This
intervention not only avoided competitive digging of
bore wells by the local farmers but also helped
improving cropping intensity (150%) and water
productivity (1.25-5.4 kg/ha-mm) besides ensuring
judicious use of groundwater (achieving higher water
productivity per unit groundwater by crop
diversification). The NABARD and Department of
Rural Development, Government of Andhra Pradesh
are mainstreaming this application in the state.
Farming system
An integrated farming system (IFS) model for the
resource poor farmers of western Uttar Pradesh was
designed, which yielded a net return of `1 lakh from
0.70 ha of land (after fulfilling household food and
nutritional security requirements). The system
components included field crop, horticulture, apiary,
dairying and vermicomposting units besides boundary
planting of multipurpose trees. Recycling of crop
residues and farm wastes accounted for a saving of
4,500 by offsetting the cost of chemical fertilizer
A new variety of rice, CSR 43, released for sodic
soils of Uttar Pradesh, could withstand sodicity up to
pH ~ 9.9 and showed yield potential of 3.5 to 4.0 tonnes/
ha in sodic soils, and also saved irrigation water. The
direct-seeded rice yielded at par with transplanted rice,
saved 20-25% water, 40-50% diesel, 25-30% electricity
and 25-30% labour. Rice transplanted with wheatresidue
incorporation or transplanted after greenmanuring
was most remunerative, where irrigation water
was not a constraint. An integration of fungal pathogens
Curvularia lunata and Alternaria alternata with insect
bioagent Neochetina bruchi effectively managed water
hyacinth in and around Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh.
Climate change
Under the National Initiative on Climate Resilient
Agriculture (NICRA), technology demonstration was
taken up in 100 vulnerable districts of the country.
Increasing rainwater-harvesting capability along with
crop production-supporting activities brought in new
energy into NICRA villages. Land shaping and
harvesting rainwater helped successfully reclaim lands
affected by sea-water inundation due to Aila cyclone in
South 24 Parganas, West Bengal.
Genetic resources
Forty explorations of crop plants were undertaken
in 20 states and 2,676 accessions including 371 of wild
species were collected. In the National Genebank, 6,550
germplasm accessions of orthodox seed species found
place for long-term storage and 26 accessions of nonorthodox
species were cryo-stored and 28 were added
to in vitro culture.
In fruit crops, 55 mango accessions were
morphologically characterized as per the International
Descriptors. Grape germplasm was strengthened by
adding seven new accessions, taking the total number
to 464. In pomegranate, 15 accessions were collected
from Maharashtra and Odisha.
Black pepper accessions (236) were collected from
Idukki, Sabari Hills and Goodrickal ranges in Kerala
including two endangered species, Piper barberi and P.
hapnium. Ninety-five core collections of cardamom
germplasm were profiled using 25 ISSR and three
microsatellite markers.
Complex genome of potato (Solanum phureja) was
deciphered by a consortium of 26 international institutes
including Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla.
Breed Registration Committee of the ICAR approved
nine new populations, viz. Pulikulam cattle, Kosali
cattle, Malnad Gidda, Kalahandi buffalo, Konkan
Kanyal goat, Berari goat, Ghoongroo pig, Niang Megha
pig, Spiti donkey, of indigenous farm animals as breeds.
Presently, there are 144 registered indigenous livestock
breeds, comprising 37 breeds of cattle, 13 of buffalo,
23 of goat, 39 of sheep, six of horses and ponies, and
eight of camel, two of pig, one of donkey, and 15 of
Mahseer (Tor tor) inhabits mountaneous streams to
fast-flowing rivers and was first time reported in the
plains from Penganga river. A fish, Pinniwallago
bhagirathiensis sp. nov. and a prawn Macrobrachium
hooghliense sp. nov., were described and reported as
new to science. Hippocampus kuda, an endangered fish
species, was collected from Kakdwip area, being the
first record of sea horse species from the riverine section
of Hooghly estuary.
Crop improvement
Over 90 new varieties/hybrids of crops were released
for different agro-climatic regions of the country. A
six-row malt-barley variety DWRUB 64 was
recommended for cultivation in the north-western plains
zone (Punjab, Haryana, western Uttar Pradesh, Delhi
and Rajasthan) in irrigated late-sown areas. Three new
varieties of sugarcane, viz. Co 0403 for peninsular zone,
and Co 0237 and Co 05011 for north-west zone of
Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and Uttar
Pradesh, were released.
Application of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus,
Glomus mosseae enhanced groundnut yield by 13%.
Of the newly isolated groundnut rhizobia RH11, RH17
and RH20, inoculation with RH11 was found best in
enhancing pod yield of TG 37A. Treatment of Him
Alsi 2 linseed with Bacillus subtilis during retting
resulted in fibre softness, fineness, higher yield and
less retting time as compared to conventional retting
Multigene cassettes were developed for imparting
tolerance against Botrytis, a major disease in castor.
Soybean seed treatment with Trichoderma viride @ 6
g/kg seed was found most effective in increasing the
seed germination (15.71%), reducing the seed rot
causing pathogens (72.73%) and seedling blight
(87.50%). Storage of wheat and paddy seeds in 40%
CO2 environment provided complete protection against
Rhizopertha dominica up to nine months and against
Sitotroga cerealella up to six months, respectively.
During the year, 9,838 tonnes of breeder seed, 13,228
tonnes of foundation seed, 20,541 tonnes of certified
seed, 14,860 tonnes of truthfully labelled seed and 4,437
tonnes of planting materials were produced to meet the
requirement of different States.
Two varieties of chilli, namely Kashi Sinduri for
Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala and Kashi Gaurav
for West Bengal and Asom, one hybrid of tomato Kashi
Abhimaan for Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh,
Uttarakhand, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, were
notified by the Central Varietal Release Committee.
Three onion varieties, viz. Bhima Shubra for
Maharashtra; Bhima Shweta for Delhi, Uttar Pradesh,
Haryana, Bihar, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh,
Odisha, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh;
and Bhima Shakti for Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana,
Bihar, Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat,Madhya Pradesh,
Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Maharashtra, Karnataka and
Andhra Pradesh; one garlic variety Bhima Purple for
Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Bihar, Punjab,
Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh were
released. In pear, two high-yielding sweet and juicy
Kashmiri Nakh selections, namely CITH-Nakh 1 and
CITH-Nakh 2, were collected and maintained in field
gene bank. In palms and nuts, three coconut varieties
IND 045S, IND 048S and IND 058S, two arecanut
varieties VTL 62-Shriwardhan selection and VTL7
Nalbari, and two selections of cocoa VTLC 1 and VTLC
57, were identified for commercial cultivation.
Livestock improvement
Ovum pick-up technique followed by in-vitro
fertilization resulted in the birth of first cattle calf
(named Holi) through this technique. This technology
will be useful for harnessing valuable germplasm from
infertile and aged dairy cattle. “Mohan” became the
first mithun calf to be born through embryo transfer
technology from a cryopreserved embryo. The
technology of freezing goat semen for artificial
insemination was standardized. Quality embryos were
flushed from a superior Sirohi goat and transferred to
non-descript goats, resulting in the birth of four kids.
These findings demonstrated the potential of multiple
ovulation embryo transfer technology (MOET) for fast
multiplication of superior germplasm. A Barbari doe
produced a record number of 13 kids in three kiddings
(including two quintuplets) under field conditions.
Introduction of superior genetic resources facilitated
conservation of indigenous goats with considerable
enhancement in the income of goat keepers, ensuring
better nutritional and livelihood security.
India joined the elite group of countries engaged in
satellite tracking of yellow fin tuna (Thunnusal bacares),
a migratory marine fish. These tags provide fisheriesindependent
measure of the straight-line distance
traveled from the point of tagging. A new working
module was developed to enhance the fish production
in Dimbhe reservoir, Pune, Maharashtra through
community co-management.
Crop management
In Odisha rice-potato-sesame cropping system showed
the highest production efficiency and low-lying land
utilization efficiency, while rice-maize-cowpea system
was found the most economical one. Nitrogen applied
just before irrigation resulted in higher wheat yield than
its application after irrigation, and application of
nitrogen in three splits was better than two splits. To
maximize productivity in malt barley, row spacing of
18 cm with seed rate of 100 kg/ha was recommended
in normal as well as late-sown conditions of the northwestern
plains zone.
In groundnut, irrigation at 6-day interval through
drip and 15-day interval with check-basin method saved
15.4 and 26.0% water over 4-day interval through drip
and 15-day interval under check-basin respectively.
Maize-wheat-mungbean and pigeonpea-wheat systems
showed a significant increase of 11 and 10% in organic
carbon, respectively, and of 10 and 15% in soil microbial
biomass carbon compared to maize-wheat system.
Under moisture stress, Mesorhizobium ciceri strains,
13 and 30 enhanced yield of chickpea cultivar RSG
888 up to 27% and 20% respectively. A talc-based dry
formulation of microbial consortium was developed for
easy handling and use in farmers’ fields and it could ret
jute within 13-15 days with fibre strength of 27.8 to
29.9 g/tex.
Sugarcane bud-chip was developed and standardized
for quick multiplication of quality seed-cane as well
reducing quantity of seed-cane required per unit area.
It ensures seed multiplication rate of 1:60 in comparison
to 1:10 under the conventional method.
Nucleopolyhedrosis virus (NPV) was isolated for the
first time from spotted pod-borer, Maruca vitrata in
India under natural epizootic conditions in early
pigeonpea. Eighteen chickpea lines screened against six
races of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri under
artificially inoculated sick-tank conditions were found
to possess multi-race resistance. Seven variants of
Fusarium udum were identified and their distribution
maps were prepared. The collections from Uttar Pradesh
has all the seven variants, followed by Maharashtra,
Karnataka (6 each), Madhya Pradesh, Bihar (5 each),
Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan (4 each), Haryana (3), Tamil
Nadu, Jharkhand (2 each) and West Bengal (1).
Beauveria bassiana, introduced as an endophyte in tossa
jute (Corchorus olitorius), reduced the stem weevil
infestation in white jute (C. capsularis).
An area-wise pest management in pigeonpea and
chickpea was implemented through IPM awareness
campaigns in conventional and electronic media and
through the establishment of the National Pest Reporting
and Alert System, covering more than 35,000 ha in
five major pulse-growing states of Uttar Pradesh,
Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra
Intercropping of vegetables in eight year-old mango
orchard proved beneficial, as it yielded 19.38 tonnes/
ha brinjal and 2.88 tonnes/ha of mango; besides yields
of bottle gourd (13.54 tonnes/ha), cauliflower (9.23
tonnes/ha) and cabbage (8.50 tonnes/ha), especially
during pre-production phase and off-year in mango.
This provided additional income to the mango farmers
who were doing monocropping of mango previously.
Significantly higher yields of cowpea (11.45 tonnes/
ha) and tomato (34.98 tonnes/ha) were achieved with
zero tillage on permanent ridges and residue retention,
compared to conventional tillage with flat planting and
residue removal. Seed-pelleting techniques for onion,
tomato and carrot were standardized. Pelleted onion,
carrot and tomato seeds could be stored for three months
under ambient conditions without reduction in seed
germination and vigour. A dual purpose carrier-based
microbial product, containing N-fixing, P- and Znsolubilizing;
and plant growth-promoting microbes, was
developed and commercialized, where farmers need not
apply two different products separately.
An organic farming package was developed for
production of black pepper, ginger and turmeric by
applying farmyard manure, vermicompost, ash,
rockphosphate, Azospirillum sp. and phosphobacteria,
and Trichoderma sp. and Pseudomonas sp. as biocontrol
agents for disease control.
Decision support systems, namely Plausible Potato
Growing Seasons Estimator (PPGSE) and Yield
Estimator, developed for spatial and temporal
diversification of potato cultivation, provide information
on the growing seasons and their durations, climatic
features of seasons and estimated yield potential for
important locations in India.
Surveys on species composition of mites attacking
Nagpur mandarin and bioagents revealed the presence
of three species of phytophagous mites, namely
Eutetranychus orientalis, Brevalpus pheonicis and
Polyphagotarsonemus latus. The strains endo
Metarhizium anisopliae-66 caused 76% banana stem
weevil mortality and strain endo Beauveria bassiana-
32 resulted in 54% corm weevil mortality. Two
formulations of fungal pathogens, viz. Metarrhizium
anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana, showed efficacy at
par with chemicals like Thiamethoxan and Acephate in
effective management of grape thrips. PCR-based
diagnosis was developed for quick detection and
identification of phytoplasma infecting cucurbitaceous
crops, viz. ash gourd, bitter gourd, bottle gourd and
cucumber. Invasive mealy bug, Phenacoccus solenopsis
is emerging as one of the major sucking pests in
vegetable crops. The major biological control agents
identified for this invasive pest were nymphal
endoparasitoids Aenasius bombawalei and Promuscidea
unfasciati and their cumulative parasitization was
Livestock management
The refined livestock feed resources database for
cattle and buffaloes was launched. This provides
information on large and small ruminant and poultry
population and requirement vs availability of dry
roughage balance, concentrates, dry roughages and
greens in different states. A matrix of 712 feed resources,
containing information on composition, mineral
topography, rumen degradable and undegradable protein
contents and amino acid profile, was developed.
The equation developed for estimating methane
production, based on the nutrient composition of feed
ingredients, revealed higher per cent methane of the
fermented gas in concentrates than straw. Medicinal
and aromatic plants such as Clerodendrum inerme,
Gymnema sylvestre and Sapindus laurifolia showed the
potential to suppress methanogenesis, which would help
in development of new additives in ruminant feed
Artificial lighting in the poultry houses, using longer
wavelength light (red spectrum-675 nm), improved the
egg production in layers by about 8%. Naked neck
broiler CARIBRO-Mritunjai showed better tolerance
to heat stress.
India was declared rinderpest-free country. It is a
major milestone towards ensuring enhanced livestock
productivity, food security and livelihood of livestock
owners. Diagnostics were developed for infectious
bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) virus, peste des petits
ruminants (PPR) virus, bluetongue, coccidiosis etc.
Unique horn cancer-specific ligand sequences were
identified for developing horn cancer-specific peptide
nano-delivery vehicle. An analysis of cumulative disease
data indicated — gradual decline in the occurrence of
anthrax; 4.58% prevalence of PPRV antibody in cattle
and buffaloes in different parts of Southern peninsular
India; and highest mortality by trypanosomiasis. The
complete genome of the Japanese encephalitis virus
(JEV) strain JEV/eq/India/H225/2009(H225) was
sequenced to decipher the genetic characteristics. The
analysis indicated H225 to be a highly virulent strain
and the study confirmed that it is associated with clinical
cases in equines in India.
The m-KRISHI®-Fisheries mobile service was
developed to disseminate potential fishing zone (PFZ)
and wind advisories to fishers in local language. Satellite
data on thermal and wind speed as well as algal
movement were utilized to provide exact location of
PFZ areas to reduce excessive fuel consumption in
search of fish.
Mechanization and energy management
A two-row tractor-mounted inter-row site-specific
herbicide applicator was developed in which laser sensor
registers the presence of green weeds. This signal
operates a solenoid actuated flow control valve which
permits herbicide spray at the points where needed. A
power weeder suited for cassava, developed by
improvizing a commercial light weight mini roto-tiller,
is light in weight (13 kg) and has a field capacity of 0.2
ha/day and weeding efficiency of about 90%.
A hydraulically operated three-wheel self-propelled
platform system was developed for harvesting mango,
oranges, oil palm, etc. capable of keeping the operator
at various heights ranging from 1.8 to 6 m. A tractormounted
pick positioner having a movable platform
fitted on a tractor, with double acting hydraulic cylinder,
was developed in which a person can be hoisted to a
height of 9.6 m for harvesting fruits and pruning trees.
One person could harvest about 120 kg aonla fruits/
Commercially available Chemperi model climber
was modified to provide additional safety by locking
the machine to the tree trunk. The attachment provides
full safety to the climber during operation and also
reduces the fear of height and risk of falling. Patent
application has been filed for this device. A pilot scale
non-electric pyrolysis unit of 2 kg capacity was
developed for conversion of biomass into charcoal.
Post-harvest management and value-addition
A cost-effective and import substitute autoclavable
system was evolved for microencapsulation of sensitive
functional ingredients, i.e. bacteriocins, enzymes,
nutraceuticals, probiotics and prebiotics, for food and
feed applications. It can produce microcapsules of
particle size of 100-1,000 μm.
Insulated and ventilated freight container suitable
for transport of fruits and vegetables over long distance,
was designed. The National Horticulture Board tested
the design of container for transport of various fruits
and vegetables through railways, and the train with
these containers is named ‘National Horticulture Train’.
A fruit and vegetable grader of 2 tonnes/h capacity was
developed for grading apple, guava, mango, sapota,
citrus, tomato, onion, potato etc. with grading efficiency
of more than 92%. A coconut-fibre segregator was
fabricated, with outturn of 50-60 kg/h, for grading
coconut fibres into various grades. These graded fibres
can be used selectively according to the product need
or blended with other fibres for making value-added
products. A polyhouse technique was developed for
walnut, in which walnut plants were ready for
transplanting in field after a year instead of four years.
A new eco-friendly hydrophobic finish for cotton
fabrics was developed using zinc oxide nano particles,
silicones and organic acid. The treatment was durable
up to 20 hand washes with spray rating of 70, indicating
good hydrophobic characteristic. The fabric also
accorded protection from the harmful effects of ultraviolet
rays (UPF rating 50) present in the light.
A sensitive test was developed for detection of
detergents in milk, that can detect adulteration in less
than five minutes. The low-calorie strawberry
polyphenol fortified stirred dahi showed high
antioxidant activity and total phenol content and was
acceptable up to two weeks when stored at 7–8oC. Dahi
proved a good source of lactic acid bacteria in
processing of fermented meat. Oat and milk based
probiotic fermented product showed potential in rat trials
to fight type-II diabetes. Super-chilling and vacuum
packaging technology was developed for enhancing
quality and shelf-life of buffalo meat steaks.
An edible oyster (Crassostrea madrasensis) peptidebased
nutraceutical, OPex was developed that has potent
antioxidant capabilities to protect cells from lipid
peroxidation and deleterious membrane structure
changes. Exploration of new sources of secondary
metabolites from seaweeds led to the designing and
development of green algal extract (GAe), a
nutraceutical, to combat inflammatory diseases such as
joint pain and arthritic conditions.
Agricultural Human Resource Development
The National Information System on Agricultural
Education Network in India (NISAGENET) became
operational which provides country/state/university/
college level reporting on agricultural education in India
( Under ICAR International
Fellowships, which were started to develop competent
human resource and showcasing the strengths of Indian
ICAR-AUs system, 75 fellowships were given to the
African nationals and 115 to students of Afghanistan
for pursuing Masters’ and Ph.D. programmes in Indian
agricultural universities. ICAR International Fellowships
were provided to seven Indian candidates for Ph.D.
programmes in overseas universities.
Agricultural economics, marketing and statistics
Grain outlook model and oilseed model were
developed for generating advance information on
medium- and long-term projections on economic
variables, viz. likely demand, production, trade and
prices of important agricultural commodities. These
models are capable of undertaking sensitivity analysis
and simulations under alternative policy and
technological scenarios. In future, it is targeted to
integrate both grains and oilseeds models dynamically,
so that each model takes inputs from the other model
and gets converged simultaneously.
Pigeonpea microsatellite database (pipemicrodb)
based on chromosome- as well as location-wise search
of primers, is available at
pigeonpea/. This is the first database of pigeonpea
marker in the world with 123387 STRs extracted in
silico from pigeonpea genome. It will help in selection
of desirable traits, such as high yield, resistance to a
particular disease and other traits that will benefit the
crop in a long run. These markers will be of immense
use in marker assisted selection which would help to
overcome approximately 50% loss in pigeonpea
productivity due to biotic and abiotic stress in India as
well as many parts of the world.
For precise comparison of treatment effects in
presence of neighbour effects, neighbour balanced
designs were developed. The efficiencies of these
designs are quite high indicating that these are fairly
robust against missing observations and ensure that no
treatment is unduly disadvantaged by its neighbour(s).
Technology assessment, refinement and transfer
Five new Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs), one each
in Andhra Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Odisha,
Maharashtra and Karnataka, were established, raising
the total to 631 KVKs across the country. In crops and
livestock, 328 technological interventions were refined
under different thematic areas in 395 locations. Besides,
five women-specific income-generating technologies
were also refined in eight locations. As many as 73,175
frontline demonstrations were undertaken on cereals,
millets, oilseeds, pulses, and other important crops;
4,710 on improved tools and farm implements; 14,390
on livestock; and 5,991 on other enterprises including
gender-specific technologies Under the National
Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA),
26,218 demonstrations were also carried out.
Over 65,000 training programmes were organized
for capacity building in which nearly 18 lakh farmers,
farm-women, rural youth and extension personnel
participated. Over five lakh extension programmes/
activities were organized to create awareness about
improved technologies and to provide timely advisories
to farmers. About 1.47 lakh short text messages were
transmitted to 11.14 lakh farmers for timely actions
through Kisan Mobile Advisory. Besides, Voice Mail
Services to farmers was also attempted by a few KVKs.
Technological information was provided to 3.13 lakh
farmers through print and electronic media and 2.60
lakh farmers were given technological products, viz.
88,077 q seed, 13.30 lakh seedlings/saplings, 3.41 lakh
livestock, 3.79 lakh poultry birds and 1,172 q bioproducts
through the Agricultural Technology
Information Centres.
Research for tribal and hill regions
New varieties, viz.Vivek Maize Hybrid 39, VL
Lahsun 2, VL Mandua 347, VL Tamatar Hybrid 1, VL
Shimla Mirch Hybrid 1, VL Cherry Tamatar 1, VL
Shimla Mirch 3 and VL Tamatar 5, were notified/
released for various agro-climatic regions of the country.
In place of traditional plough, VL Syahi Hal was
developed for hilly areas, which is light in weight (<14
kg) and can be used for ploughing as well as leveling
the fields. Colocasia-coriander-tomato and colocasiaonion-
frenchbean cropping systems were found suitable
in the North-Western Himalayas for higher energy-use
efficiency and per unit energy productivity respectively.
Geo-referenced soil fertility mapping of macro- and
micro-nutrients undertaken in 13 priority districts of
Asom can be utilized for optimization of nutrient supply
for better crop production and for regularizing supply
of nutrients during crop season. A short-duration RCM
13 rice line, having low amylose content (11.70%),
was found suitable as contingent variety for pre-kharif
/early kharif/main kharif condition and different
cropping systems in the Manipur region. Akhanphou, a
popular local rice cultivar of Manipur, possessing high
resistance to leaf blast under uniform blast nursery,
was found to possess four major blast-resistant genes
(Pita/Pita2, Pi40, Pi54 and Pi2). It also showed tolerance
to low phosphorus conditions. Two candidate genes IPS1
and CAX2 were identified for improving aluminium
toxicity tolerance in rice.
Indigenous leafy vegetables, Mukia maderaspatana
and Limnophila chinensis, were identified and 64
species of medicinal and 19 of specialty flowers were
collected from Island system and maintained in the gene
garden at CARI, Port Blair. Deepika, an improved dualpurpose
Nicobari fowl showed higher adult body weight
and annual egg production with better survivability.
Herbal products, namely Gromune (Tonic) and Morical
feed supplement, were prepared from the fruits of
Morinda citrifolia. Feeding of Gromune @ 15 ml/bird
improved immunity and Morical @ 4% in feed
supplement enhanced 24% egg production in Japanese
The coral reefs in Andaman were monitored to study
the coral recovery and reef fish diversity after the 2010
mass bleaching phenomena. All the sites showed
significant increase (11%) in live coral cover.
Abundance of Chaetodontids and Pomacentrids
decreased with decrease in coral cover while that of
Acanthurids and Scarids (predominantly algal grazers)
IP portfolio management
Over 200 partnerships were developed by 39 research
institutes with 120 public and private organizations,
resulting in an earning of over Rs 640 lakh. Concerted
efforts made by 30 research institutes led to filing of
96 patent applications during the year, raising the
cumulative number to 716. Eight national patent
applications were granted, besides two international
applications — An Artificially Synthesized Peptide (in
collaboration with DBT) and A Process for the
Production of Organic Formulation of Bio-Pesticides
Pseudomonas florescens — granted by United States
Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Three
copyrights were obtained for Monograph Hadamard
Matrices, Monograph Q-designs and Expert System for
Maize Crop (Maize AGRIdaksh).The cumulative total
of varieties granted registration rose to 326. The
technologies generated at the ICAR institutes are being
transferred/commercialized through Memoranda of
Understanding (MoU), licensing agreements, and
consultancies/contract research/contract service to
various stakeholders, and thus, about 165 such
partnerships were developed by 20 research institutes
with around 118 public and private organizations.
Awards and incentives
Under 16 different categories, awards were conferred
to three Institutions, one All India Coordinated Research
Project, nine Krishi Vigyan Kendras, nine farmers, one
journalist, four teachers and 56 scientists including 5
women scientists.
Partnership and linkages
The Work Plans between ICAR and International
Water Management Institute and International Rice
Research Institute were signed during the year.
Collaborative projects, viz. Global yield gap and water
productivity between Independent Science and
Partnership Council of the CGIAR, University of
Nebraska, Lincoln and ICAR; New knowledge and
innovation food design leading to sustainable
development of the Agro-food sector and decreased
poverty between Anand Agricultural University, Anand
and SASNET Fermented Foods and Hildur Functional
Foods Pvt. Ltd., to be funded by Swedish International
Development Cooperation Agency, Lund, Sweden;
Genetic analyses of Asia seabass populations in Indian
peninsular waters using polymorphic DNA markers’
between National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources,
Lucknow and Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory,
Singapore; Precision farming for enhancing the
livelihood security of farmers between Tamil Nadu
Agricultural University, Coimbatore and Nova Scotia
Agricultural College, Canada; A global census of rumen
microbial diversity between AgResearch, New Zealand
and National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal; ‘Genetic
Engineering of stay green trait for development of
drought tolerant wheat’ between Indian Agricultural
Research Institute, New Delhi and Institute of
Experimental Botany, Academy of Science of the Czech
Republic, Laboratory of Stress Physiology, Czech
Republic were initiated.
Several major international events were organized
during the year, Workshop on ‘Climate Change,
Adaptation and Mitigation in Agriculture in the ASEAN
Region and India’ at New Delhi during 23-24 August
2012; Meeting of Experts on Agro Products & Food
Security of BRICS Countries (Brazil, Russia, India,
China and South Africa)/2nd Meeting of Agriculture
Experts Working Group at New Delhi during 27-28
August 2012; ICAR-APAARI expert Consultation on
Trans-boundary Diseases 10-12 October 2012, and the
2nd ASEAN-India Ministerial Meeting on Agriculture
and Forestry, ASEAN - India Agriculture Expo at New
Delhi during 17–19 October 2012, and the ASEANIndia
Farmers Exchange Programme (19-30 December
National Fund for Basic, Strategic and Frontier
Application Research in Agriculture
Based on experience gained and learning from the
execution of the Fund during the XI Plan, the Council
has planned to enlarge the NFBSFARA substantially
during the XII Plan. In the identified thrust areas for
the XII Plan, a total of 29 projects were approved with
a budget of Rs 71.69 crore. Some of the salient
achievements include: optimized transformation
protocol for pigeonpea using Agrobacterium strain
EHA105 harbouring binary vector pBI121; stem cell
culture using pig bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell
lines; and design and fabricating indigenous lab-scale
atmospheric pressure cold-plasma reactor with and
without cooling system for environment friendly
treatment of cotton-fabrics for effective dyeing and other
National Agricultural Innovation Project
The NAIP is supporting 185 sub-projects under four
components, viz. ICAR as the Catalyzing Agent for
Management of Change in the Indian NARS; Research
on Production to Consumption Systems (PCS); Research
on Sustainable Rural Livelihood Security (SRLS) and
Basic and Strategic Research in the Frontier Areas of
Agricultural Sciences (BSR) and has promoted inter
institutional and inter organization collaboration. The
main achievements were: development of Central Data
Centre (CDC) and National Agricultural Bioinformatics
Grid (NABG) for hosting different types of ICT
applications; 24×7 Rice Knowledge Management Portal;
Gender Work Participation Disparity Index (GWPDI);
and Decision Support System for Agricultural
Commodity Market Outlook based on online database
repository called Commodity Market Outlook Statistics
A fuel-efficient propeller, capable of saving 19%
fuel was developed. Its intervention in the sector having
1,100 vessels saved diesel worth around Rs 63-78 crore
per annum. Foxtail-millet based food was found
beneficial to diabetic, obese and heart patients. Under
GEF-funded sub-projects, community gene banks were
created for distribution of seed of local landraces to
farmers that would help in conservation as well as
enhancement of income to the beneficiary farmers. An
innovative service ‘m-Krishi-Fisheries’, helped a village
having 32 fishing boats to save 70,000 litres diesel/
month and avoided generation of 150,000 kg of CO2.
Allele mining for blast resistance genes Piz (t), Pita
and Pi54 was concluded in 268 heterogenous Indian
rice landraces. A triple gene fusion construct was
developed to build-up broad spectrum diagnostic tools
for papaya ring spot virus (PRSV), cucumber mosaic
virus (CMV) and groundnut bud necrosis virus (GBNV).
Antimicrobial extracts/ fractions/pure molecules were
identified from selected weeds against microorganisms
causing septic arthritis and urinary tract
infection. Fungal isolates capable of synthesizing the
ZnO nanoparticles and extracellular synthesis of Fe
nanoparticles, were found. Starch nano-composite film
was validated for good sealing-ability of pouches, a
major criterion in food packaging.
The plan and non-plan allocations (RE) to DARE/
ICAR for 2011-12 were Rs 2,850 crore and Rs 2,157
crore respectively. An internal resource of Rs 137.89
crore (including interest and advances, income from
revolving fund schemes, recovery of loans and advances
and interest on short term deposits) was generated. The
plan and non-plan allocations (BE) for 2012-13 are Rs
3,220 crore and Rs 2,172 crore respectively.
The 84th Foundation Day of ICAR Society was
organized on 16th July 2012. The chief guest, Bharat
Ratna Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, former President of India,
while addressing the august gathering suggested
research missions for ICAR on efficient farm practices
for small and marginal farmers, reviving waste lands
and rejuvenating water bodies. He also highlighted the
need for capacity building of small and marginal farmers
through the intervention of KVKs and promotion of
agro-processing through rural cooperatives. These
valuable suggestions would guide us in formulation of
research programmes for the XII Plan.
The ICAR continually surged ahead in developing
farmer-friendly technologies and assuring quality higher
education. The Council, in consultation with all
stakeholders, prepared the first ever Policy Framework
for Research and Development in Agriculture and Allied
Areas. It spells out the key role of the public sector in
governance, funding, and execution of agricultural
research and education. Human resource development,
partnership within and outside the NARS, including
private sector and farmers, and commercialization of
technology are important dimensions of the R&D policy.
This policy has also been recognized in the Science,
Technology and Innovation Policy, 2013 unveiled during
the 100th session of the Indian Science Congress at
Kolkata, by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India. The
R&D policy articulated by the ICAR would be
appropriately integrated with the national R&D system
and S&T policy. Further, the Knowledge Meet of
Directors, Vice Chancellors of State Agricultural
Universities and other stakeholders initiated the
formulation of Vision 2050 by all institutions.
I wish to place on record our gratitude to the Hon’ble
Union Minister of Agriculture and Food Processing
Industries and President of the ICAR Society and
Hon’ble Union Ministers of State for Agriculture and
Food Processing Industries, for their valuable guidance,
support and encouragement in all endeavours of the
DARE/ICAR. I wish to convey our thanks to various
Ministries and Departments of the Government of India,
State Agricultural Universities, National and
International Organizations and other stakeholders, for
their association in formulation and implementation of
different programmes of the ICAR. I am confident that
the efforts of the Council would enable technological
empowerment of farmers to achieve higher levels of
input efficiency and productivity to ensure sustainable
agricultural growth.

(S Ayyappan)
Department of Agricultural Research and Education
Director General
Indian Council of Agricultural Research,
New Delhi