Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Uttar Pradesh Lecturers Exam., 2009

Uttar Pradesh Lecturers Exam., 2009
(Held on 24-1-2010)
Agriculture : Solved Paper

1. Jalpriya is a variety of—
(A) Maize
(B) Jowar
(C) Paddy
(D) Barley
Ans : (C)

2. Sugarcane + Potato is an intercropping system of—
(A) Autumn season
(B) Zaid season
(C) Spring season
(D) Rainy season
Ans : (A)

3. Seed-rate of potato per hectare is—
(A) 25 quintal/hectare
(B) 10 quintal/hectare
(C) 15 quintal/hectare
(D) 40 quintal/hectare
Ans : (D)

4. Deficiency symptoms of calcium on plants first appear at—
(A) Lower leaves
(B) Middle leaves
(C) Terminal leaves
(D) All leaves
Ans : (C)

5. Which weedicide is used to kill broad leaf weeds in wheat ?
(A) 2, 4 - D.S.S. (WPSS)
(B) 2, 4, 5 - T
(C) 2, 4 - DB
(D) None of these
Ans : (A)

6. Maya is the variety of—
(A) Potato
(B) Gram
(C) Pea
(D) Mustard
Ans : (D)

7. The weed that causes Asthma is—
(A) Hirankhuri
(B) Bathua
(C) Parthenium
(D) Krishna Neel
Ans : (C)

8. Which crop requires maximum amount of nitrogen ?
(A) Potato
(B) Wheat
(C) Barley
(D) Sugarcane
Ans : (D)

9. First dwarf variety of paddy developed in India is—
(A) Jaya
(B) Saket-4
(C) Govind
(D) Narendra-97
Ans : (C)

10. Sprinkler irrigation is suitable, where the soil has—
(A) Clayey texture
(B) Loamy texture
(C) Undulating topography
(D) All of these
Ans : (D)

11. Endosulphan is also known as—
(A) Lindane
(B) Thiodan
(C) Aldrin
(D) B.H.C.
Ans : (B)

12. Which of the following is systemic poison ?
(A) Metasystox
(B) Phosphomidan
(C) Phorate
(D) All of these
Ans : (C)

13. DDVP is known as—
(A) Nuvan
(B) Malathion
(C) Thiodan
(D) Sulfex
Ans : (A)

14. Seed treatment with Vitavex is the main controlling method of—
(A) Loose smut
(B) Rust
(C) Downy mildew
(D) All of these
Ans : (D)

15. Covered smut of barley is a disease of—
(A) Externally seed-borne
(B) Internally seed-borne
(C) Air-borne
(D) None of these
Ans : (B)

16. Which of the following cakes is not edible ?
(A) Castor cake
(B) Mustard cake
(C) Sesame cake
(D) Groundnut cake
Ans : (A)

17. In India, about 142 million hectare land is under—
(A) Cultivation
(B) Waste land
(C) Forest
(D) Eroded land
Ans : (A)

18. The headquarters of Indian Meteorological Department was established in 1875 at—
(A) New Delhi
(B) Hyderabad
(C) Pune
(D) Calcutta
Ans : (D)

19. Moisture condensed in small drops upon cool surface is called—
(A) Hail
(B) Dew
(C) Snow
(D) Fog
Ans : (B)

20. How many agro-climatic zones (ACZ) are found in India ?
(A) 16
(B) 18
(C) 15
(D) 20
Ans : (C)

21. Tilt angle of a disc plough is generally—
(A) 10°
(B) 15°
(C) 20°
(D) 45°
Ans : (D)

22. Pudding is done to—
(A) Reduce percolation of water
(B) Pulverise and levelling soil
(C) Kill weeds
(D) All of the above
Ans : (D)

23. The Community Development Programme (CDP) was started in India on—
(A) 2nd October, 1950
(B) 2nd October, 1952
(C) 2nd October, 1951
(D) None of these
Ans : (B)

24. The main unit of Integrated Rural Development Programme is—
(A) Family
(B) Village
(C) Block
(D) District
Ans : (B)

25. Element of Communication is—
(A) Message
(B) Feedback
(C) Channel
(D) All of these
Ans : (D)

26. The first Kshetriya Gramin Bank (KGB) was opened in India is—
(A) 1972
(B) 1980
(C) 1975
(D) 1969
Ans : (C)

27. The main function of NABARD is—
(A) Farmers' loaning
(B) Agricultural research
(C) Refinancing to agricultural financing institutions
(D) Development of agriculture
Ans : (C)

28. Rent theory of profit was given by—
(A) Hawley
(B) C.P. Blacker
(C) Tanssig
(D) F.A. Walker
Ans : (D)

29. In L.D.R., the profit will be maximum when—
(A) MC = MP
(B) MC > MP
(C) MP = TP
(D) MP > TP
Ans : (D)

30. The period of 11th Five Year Plan is—
(A) 2000-2005
(B) 2002-2007
(C) 2007-2012
(D) 2008-2012
Ans : (C)

31. Acid rain contains mainly—
(A) PO4
(B) NO2
(C) NO3
(D) CH4
Ans : (B)

32. Cell Organelle found only in plants are—
(A) Mitochondria
(B) Golgi complex
(C) Ribosomes
(D) Plastids
Ans : (D)

33. Proteins are synthesized in—
(A) Centrosomes
(B) Ribosomes
(C) Mitochondria
(D) Golgi bodies
Ans : (B)

34. Milk fever is caused due to the deficiency of—
(A) P
(B) Ca
(C) Mg
(D) K
Ans : (B)

35. Milk sugar is a type of—
(A) Glucose
(B) Sucrose
(C) Lactose
(D) Fructose
Ans : (C)

36. Muriate of Potash is—
(A) K2SO4
(B) KCl
(C) K2HPO4
(D) KNO3
Ans : (B)

37. Azotobacter fixes atmospheric nitrogen in the soil by—
(A) Symbiotically
(B) Non-symbiotically
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of these
Ans : (A)

38. The chemical formula of iron pyrites is—
(A) FeSO4
(B) FeS
(C) FeS2
(D) Fe2(SO4)3
Ans : (C)

39. Rock phosphates are used in—
(A) Saline soil
(B) Sodic soil
(C) Acidic soil
(D) Neutral soil
Ans : (C)

40. Intervenous chlorosis is caused due to the deficiency of—
(A) N
(B) Mg
(C) S
(D) Fe
Ans : (D)

41. Kinnow is the hybrid variety of—
(A) Citrus
(B) Orange
(C) Mandarin
(D) Lemon
Ans : (C)

42. The permanent preservative, which is used for preservation of fruit and vegetables, is—
(A) Sodium chloride
(B) Potassium metabisulphate
(C) Potassium sulphate
(D) Sugar
Ans : (B)

43. Whip tail disease of cauliflower is caused by deficiency of—
(A) Nitrogen
(B) Boron
(C) Molybdenum
(D) Zinc
Ans : (C)

44. The word ‘Agriculture’ is derived from—
(A) Greek
(B) Latin
(C) Arabic
(D) French
Ans : (B)

45. Motha (Grass nut) belongs to the family of—
(A) Cruciferae
(B) Tiliaceae
(C) Cyperaceae
(D) Graminaceae
Ans : (C)

46. Which of the followings are short day crops ?
(A) Maize, Lobia, Bajra
(B) Wheat, Mustard, Gram
(C) Moong, Soybean, Bajra
(D) Wheat, Soybean, Bajra
Ans : (B)

47. What is the sequence of C4 plants ?
(A) Sudangrass – Sugarcane –Paddy – Bajra
(B) Sugarcane – Maize – Sudangrass – Bajra
(C) Sugarcane – Cotton – Paddy– Maize
(D) Cotton – Maize – Bajra –Sugarcane
Ans : (B)

48. Match List-I (crops) with List-II (water requirement) and select your answer from the code given below—
List-I(a) Jowar
(b) Soybean
(c) Cotton
(d) Groundnut
1. 140 mm – 300 mm
2. 350 mm – 450 mm
3. 200 mm – 300 mm
4. 300 mm – 350 mm
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 3 1 2 4
(B) 4 2 3 1
(C) 1 4 2 3
(D) 3 1 4 2
Ans : (C)

49. In which state, are there biggest area, highest production and number of Sugar Mills in relation to Sugarcane ?
(A) Maharashtra
(B) Bihar
(C) Uttar Pradesh
(D) Andhra Pradesh
Ans : (A)

50. Which is not prepared by potato ?
(A) Acetic Acid
(B) Paper
(C) Wine
(D) Fanina
Ans : (B)

51. Uttar Pradesh is occupying which place in India, for Guava production ?
(A) Second
(B) First
(C) Third
(D) Fifth
Ans : (A)

52. Which of the following is TPS variety of Potato ?
(A) JH 222
(B) Chipsona-II
(C) Anand
(D) HPS-1/113
Ans : (D)

53. What is VAM ?
(A) Virus
(B) Bacteria
(C) Algae
(D) Fungi
Ans : (D)

54. What is the main function of zinc in the plants ?
(A) Synthesis of nitrogen
(B) Synthesis of phosphorus
(C) Required for synthesis of Tryptophos
(D) To increase activity of the boron
Ans : (C)

55. What is the area in floriculture (in 000 hectare) in India ?
(A) 40 – 50
(B) 60 – 80
(C) 100 – 120
(D) None of these
Ans : (C)

56. Which of the following factors does not affect the nitrification ?
(A) Air
(B) Seed
(C) Temperature
(D) Moisture
Ans : (B)

57. Which is the correct sequence of soil erosion ?
(A) Rill – Sheet – Gulley
(B) Gulley – Sheet – Rill
(C) Sheet – Rill – Gulley
(D) Sheet – Gulley – Rill
Ans : (C)

58. Zinc Sulphate (ZnSO4) should not be mixed with—
(A) D.A.P.
(B) Compost fertilizer
(C) Ammonium Chloride
(D) Urea
Ans : (A)

59. Insecticides are specific inhibitors of—
(A) Excretory system
(B) Digestive system
(C) Nervous system
(D) Blood Circulatory system
Ans : (D)

60. The credit for the success of Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK) goes to—
(A) Dr. R. S. Paroda
(B) Dr. Chandrika Prasad
(C) Dr. Mohan Singh Mehta
(D) Dr. Mangla Rai
Ans : (D)

61. Cauliflower belongs to the family—
(A) Cruciferae
(B) poacae
(C) Malvaceae
(D) Leguminaceae
Ans : (A)

62. Which type of soil is best for knolkhol ?
(A) Loam
(B) Clayey loam
(C) Silty clayey loam
(D) Clay
Ans : (B)

63. Which of the following soil type is most suitable for garlic cultivation ?
(A) Loamy sand
(B) Sandy loam
(C) Loam
(D) Clay
Ans : (B)

64. Average planting distance (R P) of guava is—
(A) 5 m 5 m
(B) 6 m 6 m
(C) 8 m 8 m
(D) 10 m 10 m
Ans : (B)

65. Which of the following soil type has the highest field capacity ?
(A) Loam
(B) Silty loam
(C) Clayey loam
(D) Clay
Ans : (D)

66. The trade name of phorate is—
(A) Temic
(B) Thiodan
(C) Phortox
(D) Metasystox
Ans : (C)

67. The sprayers are cleaned before use by—
(A) 1% chlorine water
(B) 1% hydrochloric acid
(C) 1% ammonia water
(D) 1% bromine water
Ans : (B)

68. The cyanogas pump is a /an—
(A) Duster
(B) Fumigator
(C) Sprayer
(D) Emulsifier
Ans : (D)

69. The main reason of Irish Famine in Potato was—
(A) Late Blight disease
(B) Bacterial Blight disease
(C) Blast disease
(D) Ear Cockle disease
Ans : (A)

70. The instrument, which is used for sowing of seed with fertilizer together at a time, is—
(A) Seed drill
(B) Dibbler
(C) Seed sowing behind plough
(D) Ferti-cum Seed drill
Ans : (D)

71. Seed treatment is done to control—
(A) Soil-borne disease
(B) Air-borne disease
(C) Seed-borne disease
(D) None of these
Ans : (C)

72. Salt tolerant crop is—
(A) Cowpea
(B) Field pea
(C) Garlic
(D) Longmelon
Ans : (A)

73. Which of the following is not a dairy breed of cattle ?
(A) Sahiwal
(B) Sindhi
(C) Nagore
(D) All these
Ans : (D)

74. Stored grains can be saved from insect damage, if the grain moisture content is—
(A) <> 10%
(C) 10%
(D) None of these
Ans : (C)

75. Which of the following pesticides has been banned in India ?
(A) Rogor
(C) Metasystox
(D) Dimecron
Ans : (B)

76. Pulses fit well in cropping system as they are—
(A) Short duration crops
(B) Disease resistant crops
(C) Long duration crops
(D) Moisture stress resistant crops
Ans : (D)

77. Wheat is a—
(A) Cash crop
(B) Cereal crop
(C) Covered crop
(D) None of these
Ans : (B)

78. Autumn sugarcane is planted in month of—
(A) February-March
(B) July
(C) October
(D) December
Ans : (C)

79. Seed-rate for timely sown wheat is—
(A) 75 kg/ha
(B) 100 kg/ha
(C) 125 kg/ha
(D) 150 kg/ha
Ans : (C)

80. Most critical stage in wheat for irrigation is—
(A) C.R.I.
(B) Flowering
(C) Milk
(D) Dough
Ans : (A)

81. Name of most popular variety of wheat in Uttar Pradesh is—
(A) PBW – 343
(B) U.P. – 2338
(C) K – 7903
(D) K – 9107
Ans : (B)

82. KPG – 59 (Udai) is a variety of—
(A) Field pea
(B) Vegetable pea
(C) Lentil
(D) Gram
Ans : (D)

83. In plain, Rajma is cultivated during—
(A) Kharif
(B) Rabi
(C) Zaid
(D) None of these
Ans : (A)

84. Which crop is recommended for Zaid season cultivation in Uttar Pradesh ?
(A) Vegetable pea
(B) Groundnut
(C) Barley
(D) Lentil
Ans : (B)

85. The most efficient use of potassium is achieved by—
(A) Broadcasting at the sowing time
(B) Top dressing after one month of sowing
(C) Basal placement at the sowing time
(D) Foliar spray
Ans : (C)

86. The term ‘Extension’ was first used in—
(A) U.K.
(B) U.S.A.
(C) India
(D) France
Ans : (B)

87. The first K.V.K. (Krishi Vigyan Kendra) in India was established in—
(A) Bombay
(B) Port Blair
(C) Pondicherry
(D) Madras
Ans : (C)

88. ATMA is related to—
(D) None of these
Ans : (D)

89. Albert Mayer is the name associated with—
(A) Nilokheri Development Project
(B) Firka Development Project
(C) Etawah Pilot Project
(D) Shriniketan Project
Ans : (C)

90. Co-operative Credit Societies Act was passed in India in—
(A) 1902
(B) 1904
(C) 1906
(D) 1912
Ans : (D)

91. Maximum photosynthesis takes place in—
(A) Blue light
(B) Red light
(C) Violet light
(D) Green light
Ans : (D)

92. Farm Planning means—
(A) Farm Budgetting
(B) Cropping pattern
(C) Type of enterprises
(D) None of these
Ans : (B)

93. The first product of photosynthesis in C3 plant is—
(A) Pyruvic acid
(B) Phospho-glyceric acid
(C) Oxalo-acetic acid
(D) Succinic acid
Ans : (B)

94. Bending of plants towards light is called—
(A) Phototropism
(B) Vernalisation
(C) Photo-respiration
(D) None of these
Ans : (A)

95. Germination is inhibited by—
(A) Red light
(B) Blue light
(C) U.V. light
(D) I.R. light
Ans : (C)

96. The best method of milking is—
(A) Knuckling method
(B) Fisting method
(C) Stripping method
(D) None of these
Ans : (D)

97. Line breeding is a type of—
(A) Inbreeding
(B) Outbreeding
(C) Natural breeding
(D) None of these
Ans : (A)

98. Match List-I with List-II and select answer from the codes given below—
(a) White Revolution
(b) Grey Revolution
(c) Blue Revolution
(d) Green Revolution
1. Fertilizer production
2. Fish production
3. Cereal production
4. Milk production
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 4 1 2 3
(B) 1 2 3 4
(C) 2 4 3 1
(D) 1 3 4 2
Ans : (A)

99. ‘Tharparkar’ breed of cow is—
(A) Milch breed
(B) Working breed
(C) Dual purpose breed
(D) None of these
Ans : (C)

100. Cow and buffalo belong to the family—
(A) Bovidae
(B) Suidae
(C) Equidae
(D) Cammelidae
Ans : (A)

101. What is the contribution of Animal Husbandry Sector in the agricultural growth ?
(A) 10%
(B) 12% – 15%
(C) 7% – 9%
(D) 5%
Ans : (C)

102. How many labourers are required to run a 30 cows milch herd ?
(A) 8
(B) 6
(C) 4
(D) 10
Ans : (B)

103. What is the availability of per day per capita milk in India presently (2008-09) ?
(A) 229 gram
(B) 239 gram
(C) 219 gram
(D) 252 gram
Ans : (D)

104. Which place is occupied by India in egg production ?
(A) First
(B) Second
(C) Third
(D) Fourth
Ans : (A)

105. How much calories (cal) may be obtained from 100 gram chicken egg ?
(A) 175 cal
(B) 180 cal
(C) 160 cal
(D) 130 cal
Ans : (C)

106. Main function of biofertilizer is—
(A) To increase chemical process
(B) To increase physiological process
(C) To increase biological process
(D) To increase photosynthesis process
Ans : (C)

107. How much tomato average production (q.) may be yield from one hectare ?
(A) 100
(B) 105-150
(C) 250
(D) 160-275
Ans : (D)

108. Which type of soil is found near the canal banks ?
(A) Acidic and alkaline
(B) Acidic
(C) Alkaline
(D) None of these
Ans : (C)

109. Which one is not biofertilizer ?
(A) Multiflex
(C) Vermicompost
Ans : (A)

110. In which form is nitrogen absorbed by paddy under waterlogged condition ?
(A) NH4 ion
(B) Nitrate ion
(C) NO2 ion
(D) N2
Ans : (B)

111. Which one of the following do not relate to groundnut ?
(A) Brazil
(B) 2n = 40
(C) Pink disease
(D) Tikka disease
Ans : (C)

112. Which of the following is produced highest in India ?
(A) Mango
(B) Banana
(C) Papaya
(D) Grapes
Ans : (A)

113. The optimum temperature for the Banana crop is—
(A) 30°C
(B) 23°C
(C) 21•5°C
(D) 26•5°C
Ans : (B)

114. Which one of the following varieties has been selected to develop Narendra Aonla-6 variety ?
(A) Chakaiya
(B) Hathijhool
(C) Banarasi
(D) Narendra Aonla-6
Ans : (D)

115. Red soil is poor in which of the following nutrients ?
(A) Phosphorus and Sulphur
(B) Phosphorus and Nitrogen
(C) Nitrogen and Zinc
(D) Nitrogen and Potassium
Ans : (D)

116. A farming system in which airable crops are grown in alleys formed by trees or shrubs, to establish soil fertility and to enhance soil productivity, is known as—
(A) Relay cropping
(B) Multiple cropping
(C) Alley cropping
(D) Mixed cropping
Ans : (C)

117. The cropping intensity of Groundnut + Arhar – Sugarcane is—
(A) 200%
(B) 300%
(C) 150%
(D) 250%
Ans : (C)

118. The scented variety of paddy is—
(A) Jaya
(B) Bala
(C) Type-3
(D) Type-1
Ans : (C)

119. From which language is the word ‘Agronomy’ taken ?
(A) Latin
(B) Greek
(C) French
(D) German
Ans : (B)

120. Tarameera is belonged to which family ?
(A) Cruciferae
(B) Linaceae
(C) Compositae
(D) Graminae
Ans : (A)

121. The size of clay particles are—
(A) 1•0 mm
(B) 0•2 – 0•02 mm
(C) < 0•02 mm
(D) < 0•002 mm
Ans : (D)

122. When one plant has both male and female flowers separately, is called—
(A) Monophrodits
(B) Monoecious
(C) Hermaphrodite
(D) Apomixis
Ans : (D)

123. Aamrapali is the cross of—
(A) Neelam x Dashaheri
(B) Dashaheri x Langra
(C) Langra x Dashaheri
(D) Dashaheri x Neelam
Ans : (D)

124. Seed-plot technique is adopted in—
(A) Onion 
(B) Potato
(C) Sugarcane 
(D) Tomato
Ans : (B)

125. The origin of litchi is—
(A) India 
(B) Philippines
(C) China 
(D) Burma
Ans : (C)

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