Unemployment is a macroeconomic phenomenon that directly affects
people. When a member of a family is unemployed, the family feels it in lost
income and a reduced standard of living. There is little in the realm of
macroeconomics more feared by the average consumer than unemployment.
Understanding what unemployment really is and how it works is important both
for the economist and for the consumer, as it is often discussed.
The Costs of Unemployment
Because most people rely on their income to maintain their
standard of living, the loss of a job will often directly threaten to reduce
that standard of living. This creates a number of emotional problems for the
worker and the family. In terms of society, unemployment is harmful as well.
Unemployed workers represent wasted production capability. This means that the
economy is putting out less goods and services than it could be producing. It
also means that there is less money being spent by consumers, which has the
potential to lead to more unemployment, beginning a cycle. However, in general,
while unemployment is harmful for individuals, there are some circumstances in
which unemployment is both natural and beneficial for the economy as a whole.
Okun's law
We know that when there is unemployment, the economy is not
producing at full output since there are people who are not working. But, what
exactly is the relationship between unemployment and national output or GDP?
How much would we expect the GDP to increase if unemployment fell 1%? These are
useful and important questions to ask when trying to understand the costs of
An economist named Arthur Okun looked at the relationship
between unemployment and national output over the past 50 years. He noticed a
general pattern and stated an equation to explain it. His equation, Okun's Law,
relates the percentage change in real GDP to changes in the unemployment rate.
In particular, the equation states:
% change in real GDP = 3% - 2 x
(change in unemployment rate)
This equation basically says
that real GDP grows at about 3% per year when unemployment is normal. For every
point above normal that unemployment moves, GDP growth falls by 2%. Similarly,
for every point below normal that unemployment moves, GDP growth rises by 2%.
This equation, while not exact, provides a good estimate of the effects of
unemployment upon output.
For example, let's say a country had an unemployment rate of 8%
in one year and 6% in the next. Using Okun's law, it would be hypothesized that
the percentage change in the real GDP would be 3% - 2 * (-2%) = 7%. Because 2%
fewer people were unemployed the nation produced 7% more output.
Types of Unemployment
While unemployment is a general term that describes people who
wish to work but cannot find jobs, there are actually a number of specific
types of unemployment. Three particular types of unemployment stand out as most
important, frictional unemployment, structural unemployment, and cyclically
Some people who are not working are simply between jobs. This
may be the result of being hired elsewhere or simply relocating. They are not
actively searching for a job, but instead just waiting to begin their next job.
This is called frictional unemployment because these workers are literally
between jobs.
Other workers have a mismatch of skills for the job or
geographic area that they want to work. If a welder is displaced by a robot or
if a nuclear engineer is simply no longer needed in a lab, these workers become
unemployed. This type of unemployment is called structural unemployment because
the structure of the job is incompatible with the skills offered by the worker.
Finally, some workers may be laid off as the economy slows down.
These workers possess the necessary skills, but there is simply not enough
demand for their firms to continue to employ them. This type of unemployment is
called cyclical unemployment because it is attributable to changes in output
due to the cycles of the economy.
Calculating Unemployment
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) regularly gathers data from
60,000 households to compute a number of macroeconomic figures. One of these
figures is the unemployment rate.
To compute the unemployment rate, the first step is to place
people into one of three categories: employed, unemployed, or out of the labor
force. People who are employed are currently working. People who are unemployed
are not currently working, but are actively searching for a job and would work
if they found a job. People who are out of the labor force are either not
currently looking for a job or would not work if they found a job.
Once people have been placed into the appropriate categories,
the total labor force can be calculated as the total number of workers who are
either employed or unemployed. The unemployment rate is the ratio of the number
of people unemployed over the total number of people in the labor force.
For example, let's say that a survey by the BLS reveals 20
people employed, 5 people unemployed, and 40 people out of the labor force.
Then the labor force would be the sum of the employed plus the unemployed or 20
+ 5 = 25 people. The unemployment rate is the ratio of the unemployed to the
total labor force or (5 / 25) = 20%.
Full Employment and the Natural Rate of Unemployment
The term full employment sounds as though it means everybody is
working. And indeed, full employment refers to an economic situation in which
unemployment is very low. However, when the economy is at full employment there
is a still small amount of normal unemployment. This unemployment exists
because people are always changing between jobs creating frictional
unemployment. Similarly, when new workers enter the labor market, they do not
immediately gain jobs. Instead, they must search for jobs, even if only for a
short period of time. This causes there to be some unemployment even when the
economy is theoretically at full employment.
The natural rate of unemployment is the rate of unemployment
that corresponds to full employment. Economists theorize that this is around 6%
unemployment due to frictional unemployment and structural unemployment.
Cyclical unemployment causes a slight variation above and below this natural
rate. In general, the economy is said to be operating at full capacity when the
unemployment rate is at the nature rate of unemployment. Similarly, when the
unemployment rate is below the natural rate of unemployment, the economy is
said to be operating above full capacity. Finally, when the unemployment rate
is above the natural rate of unemployment, the economy is said to be operating
below full capacity.
The Causes of Unemployment
Now that we have covered the types of unemployment and how to
calculate the unemployment rate, let's go over what causes unemployment. There
are four basic causes of unemployment in a healthy, working economy. These
reasons for unemployment are: minimum wage laws, labor unions, efficiency wages,
and job search. In the real world economy all four of these forces work
together to create the unemployment that is reflected in the unemployment rate.
Minimum Wage Laws
In microeconomics, we learned that in an efficient market, the
price of a good changes to equilibrate the quantity demanded and the quantity
supplied.) The labor market, in its natural form, is just like any other
market. If there are unemployed workers who want jobs, the price of labor or
the wage will simply drop until all of the labor force is employed. That is,
this would happen if there were not government intervention into the labor
market. In order to help maintain a certain standard of living among all
workers, the government implements a minimum wage, which artificially inflates
the wages of the workers at the bottom of the wage scale above what the firm
would normally pay at equilibrium. This in turn causes the people above the
minimum wage workers to demand more pay and for the people above them to do the
same. Eventually, the minimum wage causes the wages of all workers to increase
above the market-clearing level. When the wage demanded is greater than the
wage offered, workers earn more; but in response firms will cut jobs to recoup
the money they are losing, increasing unemployed workers. Raising the minimum
wage therefore also increases unemployment. (The factors playing into this
dynamic are more closely examined in the microeconomics
Labor Unions
A second, and closely related, cause of unemployment, lies with
the actions of labor unions. Labor unions are collectives of workers who rally
together for higher wages, better working conditions, and more benefits. These
unions force firms to spend more money on each worker, some in the form of wage
and some in the form of benefits. Overall, this has an effect similar to the
minimum wage law, where workers are demanding wages greater than the firms are
willing to pay. Again, this raises the wages of workers above the market
clearing level and creates a situation in which there are more people who want
to work at the wage than there are firms who want to hire at the wage. In this
way, labor unions increase the wages and benefits of workers who are employed,
but may simultaneously increase the number of workers who are unemployed.
Efficiency Wages
A third reason for unemployment is based on the theory of
efficiency wages. The basic idea behind efficiency wages is that firms benefit
by paying their workers above the equilibrium wage, since higher wages produce
happier, healthier, and more productive workers, and may even increase worker
loyalty. But, when the firms pay efficiency wages that are above the
equilibrium level, they also create an excess in the labor supply: more people
want to work for the wage than there are positions. Efficiency wages, like the
minimum wage and labor unions, therefore increase the wages for workers who are
employed but also increase overall unemployment.
Job Search
The fourth cause of unemployment, job search, is unrelated to
the labor market. Instead, it is based on ideas similar to the frictional,
structural, and cyclical unemployment discussed earlier. When a person decides
that he wants to work, he cannot simply become employed. Instead he much find a
job. This job search often takes a bit of time. During the process of looking
for the right job, the person is considered as an unemployed member of the
labor force. Simply looking for a job or moving from one job to the next causes
some unemployment.
Unemployment is in reality much more complex than the average
consumer appreciates. For this reason, most people do not understand that some
unemployment in the economy is not a problem. In fact, unemployment of certain
low levels indicate that the economy is functioning neither above nor below its
potential output level, at a sustainable level.
Tradeoff Between Inflation and Unemployment
Law describes a clear relationship between unemployment and national output, in
which lowered unemployment results in higher national output. Such a
relationship makes intuitive sense: as more people in a nation work it seems
only right that the output of the nation should increase. Building on Okun's
law, another economist, A. W. Phillips, discovered a relationship between
unemployment and inflation. The chain of basic ideas behind this belief
follows: as more people work the national output increases, causing wages to
increase, causing consumers to have more money and to spend more, resulting in
consumers demanding more goods and services, finally causing the prices of goods
and services to increase. In other words, Phillips showed that unemployment and
inflation shared an inverse relationship: inflation rose as unemployment fell,
and inflation fell as unemployment rose. Since two major goals for economic
policy makers are to keep both inflation and unemployment low, Phillip's
discovery was an important conceptual breakthrough, but also posed a
troublesome challenge: how to keep both unemployment and inflation low, when
lowering one results in raising the other?
The Phillips Curve
Phillips' discovery can be represented in a
curve, called, aptly, a Phillips curve.

Figure %: The Phillips
It is important to remember that the Phillips
curve depicted above is simply an example. The actual Phillips curve for a country
will vary depending upon the years that it aims to represent.
Notice that the inflation rate is represented
on the vertical axis in units of percent per year. The unemployment rate is
represented on the horizontal axis in units of percent. The curve shows the
levels of inflation and unemployment that tend to match together approximately,
based on historical data. In this curve, an unemployment rate of 7% seems to
correspond to an inflation rate of 4% while an unemployment rate of 2% seems to
correspond to an inflation rate of 6%. As unemployment falls, inflation
The Phillips curve can be represented
mathematically, as well. The equation for the Phillips curve states
inflation = [(expected inflation) – B] x [(cyclical unemployment rate) + (error)]
where B represents a number greater than zero that represents the sensitivity of inflation to unemployment.
inflation = [(expected inflation) – B] x [(cyclical unemployment rate) + (error)]
where B represents a number greater than zero that represents the sensitivity of inflation to unemployment.
While the Phillips curve is theoretically
useful, however, it less practically helpful. The equation only holds in the
short term. In the long run, unemployment always returns to the natural rate of
unemployment, making cyclical unemployment zero and inflation equal to expected
Problems with the
Phillips Curve and Stagflation
In fact, the Phillips curve is not even
theoretically perfect. In fact, there are many problems with it if it is taken
as denoting anything more than a general relationship between unemployment and
inflation. In particular, the Phillips curve does a terrible job of explaining
the relationship between inflation and unemployment from 1970 to 1984.
Inflation in these years was much higher than would have been expected given
the unemployment for these years.
Such a situation of high inflation and high
unemployment is called stagflation. The phenomenon of stagflation is somewhat
of a mystery, though many economists believe that it results from changes in
the error term of the previously stated Phillips curve equation. These errors
can include things like energy cost increases and food price increases. But no
matter its source, stagflation of the 1970's and early 1980's seems to refute
the general applicability of the Phillips curve.
The Phillips curve must not be looked at as an
exact set of points that the economy can reach and then remain at in
equilibrium. Instead, the curve describes a historical picture of where the
inflation rate has tended to be in relation to the unemployment rate. When the
relationship is understood in this fashion, it becomes evident that the
Phillips curve is useful not as a means of picking an unemployment and
inflation rate pair, but rather as a means of understanding how unemployment
and inflation might move given historical data.
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